Monday, April 4, 2011

Coming Out of Hiding

Since things went south at the end of January I went into hibernation mode. We tried desperately at physical therapy to beat my IT band woes into submission again. It very slowly responded but after almost two months I still had a hot spot on the side of my knee that was keeping me from doing more than 2 miles at a time. We broke down and sent me back to the Sports Med Dr and got a cortisone injection. Ah, sweet relief. I can now run 3 miles pain free! My doc wants me to keep at 3 miles per run this week then I can add about 5% overall per week to build back up. Fingers crossed we have this back under control and PT can start slowly torturing me properly again!

In the past two months lots has happened. I won't pain you with too much written detail but photos are definitely in order.

First the sadness that happened. Not only have I been depressed over not being able to run but I was walloped with the news that my good trail running buddy, Kay, was moving to Seattle. I knew it was going to happen sometime, it just happened at an extra sucky time for me. I'm glad we got in a last 16 mile run together before my knee went kablooey. Even though we couldn't get any more runs in before she left, we got together with our spawn at one of our favorite places to trail run and had a lovely stroll around the lake.

A failed attempt at a group photo:

Thank goodness for the Facebook and the interwebs for keeping me connected to Kay! It's a bit harder to coordinate a chat with the time difference but it is nice to still get my Kay fix once a week on chat and to see pictures of her new life out in the PNW. (I am extremely jealous after just a few weeks of pictures)

The good stuff:

I changed my hair color from pink to blue and love it! I also did my first big Tunisian crochet project with my newly found spare time. Awesome wool wrap:

I also crocheted these cute little guys:

I also taught my first class on Tunisian crochet! It was fun and everyone seemed to have a good time. I didn't earn much but it covered half the cost of my new tattoo!

I joined a team for the Blue Ridge Relay and joined a newly formed running club, Gaston County Runners, that is actually in my town vs having to go into Charlotte for a running club. WOOT!

I have to give a huge CONRATS to my best running buddy, Laura, for becoming a Triathlete last month!

Hopefully as I heal I'll have some actual running adventures to share again. For now I'll just pop in every now and then so everyone knows I'm still alive and, of course, awesome!

1 comment:

  1. So glad to hear about the pain free 3 miles! Can't wait to read more running adventures! (Those owls are awesome.)
